"Ian, this is your baby sister," Tyler explains as he walks towards Ian holding the new bundle.
Ian seemed curious but still unimpressed. Tyler explains again, now right next to Ian, "you are a big brother...this is your baby sister Reagan.
Something tipped his mood then and he went to unimpressed to somewhat threatened and then annoyed by this new being.
Lisa, Ians grandma raises her voice another 10 octaves in an attempt to get Ian excited and reexplains what Tyler just said. Ian then immediately starts to say no to every question he is getting asked. He then is asks if he wants to hold her and again, he answers "NO"!
They visit then for another 30 minutes or so and Ian takes this time to spread his Spiderman pictures and toys all over the floor.
As they leave to get Reagan back to the nursery and let me rest, Ian asks.
"Let's get a different one, I want another one."
AS they leave I start to worry....crap, he is not going to like this new gal around, we are in for it.
The next day however is a different story. Ian and Tyler come in and Ian set up his stuff on the floor. Distracted, I begin to talk to Tyler about the day and Ian comes over to my food tray and finds the bar of chocolate that Tyler gave me the day before. He opens it up and begins to eat it but not before it melts all over his hands and face.
However when Daddy brings in the baby this time, Ian's attitude has changed.
With a mug and mitts covered in chocolate, he drops the bar asks to hold his sister. Smiling and cooing he sits on the sofa and holds little Reagan for the first time.
The next 2 days he enters the room not asking for gum or chocolate but to see his
"Baby titter Reagan"