Thursday, June 30, 2011

Family Pics Spring 2011 By Melessa Paynter

Walking Tall

Since Reagan was about 6 months she was standing at the table cruising along the walls and the sofa 2 months ago she was climbing the stairs and even walking with a walker at 8 months so when she was 9 months we she gonna do it? Will she walk before the age that Ian did? 9 months came and went and still no steps. By the time she was Reagan started taking a few steps a couple of weeks ago and ever since we have been coxing her to walk more and more.
With in a 2 week period...Reagan now walks about 10 steps on her own.
When she is walking to someone or somewhere she always does this laugh breath.
It is so fun to see this. She seems to be growing faster then Ian only because time seems to move faster the second time around. Running will be next and then ofcourse high heels.