This is the first Halloween that Ian went trick or treating. My Good friend Jen and I went together and this time in my neighborhood. I am not sure why I thought that would be a good idea since the houses in her area are much closer together and less leg work. None the less she and her family came over at 5pm for chili dinner and witty reparte'. After lickin' the cumin off our lips, we got Hailey and Ian in their costumes and hit the streets. Before we left Ian grabbed about 6 butterfingers. I am not sure if this is because he senced that we were not going to let him eat any candy so he grabbed what he could before we left. Hailey who was dressed up as "Swiper" was a total champ. She walked the whole way from house to house and say, Ticki Too which translates to "trick or treat" to each door greeter. Ian on the other hand sat silent from his strollertaking it all in. So nobody gave Ian any candy, I guess they thought since he was in the stroller he didn't count and and basically ignored my little devil. Ah well, Tyler and I would not let him eat any of the candy anyway so it was just as well. Finally, for the last 3 houses Ian climbed out of the stroller and took to the streets hand in hand with Hailey. So see those two together holding hands in the dark night under the street lamps was too much.
Come on! Why don't you tell us more about how Ian liked to be a red devil? I love to read your witty comments and there are none.