Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Kamp Kermit

This year Reagan says goodbye to Kamp Kermit after 3 yrs in attendance.  Reagan started Kamp Kermit when she was only 2 yrs old and was able to go because Ian was with her and she was potty trained.  For the next 2 yrs Reagan went with Ian and then we moved to another house in Lakeville.
I did not think that she would get the chance to go since Ian would not be with her this year due to Age restrictions but we found out that he preschool friend Neela was going to attend the Kamp Kermit near our new house so we signed up for both sessions.
 This year she bonded with Sarah a college Sophmore and Matea a college freshman

She knew Matea from the last 2 yrs and so I decided 
to get Reagan pics with the girls and give them 
to the the second to the last day.
Reagan has one more day left or fun before she says 
goodbye and moves on to her next stage...Kindergarten!
She turned 5 this last Sunday and though she is small for her
age...I still cannot belive how much she has grown.

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